C++ Programming Tutorial

The entire C++ Programming language in one video tutorial.

Part 1

// This is a comment
 * Multi-line comment

// Tells the compiler iostream library which contains the function cout
#include <iostream>

// Allows us to use vectors
#include <vector>

// Allows us to use strings
#include <string>

// Allow us to work with files
#include <fstream>

// Allows functions in the std namespace to be used without their prefix
// std::cout becomes cout
using namespace std;

// ---------- FUNCTIONS ----------
// The function has return type, function name and attributes with 
// their data types
// The attribute data types must match the value passed in
// This data is passed by value
// You can define default values to attributes as long as they come last
// This is known as a function prototype
int addNumbers(int firstNum, int secondNum = 0){

        int combinedValue = firstNum + secondNum;

        return combinedValue;


// An overloaded function has the same name, but different attributes
int addNumbers(int firstNum, int secondNum, int thirdNum){

    return firstNum + secondNum + thirdNum;


// A recursive function is one that calls itself

int getFactorial(int number){

    int sum;
    if(number == 1) sum = 1;
    else sum = (getFactorial(number - 1) * number);
    return sum;

    // getFactorial(2) [Returns 2] * 3
    // getFactorial(1) [Returns 1] * 2 <This value goes above>
    // 2 * 3 = 6


// Doesn't have a return type so use void
// Since I'm getting a pointer use int*
// Refer to the referenced variable with *age
void makeMeYoung(int* age){

    cout << "I used to be " << *age << endl;    
    *age = 21;


// A function that receives a reference can manipulate the value globally
void actYourAge(int& age){

    age = 39;


// ---------- END OF FUNCTIONS ----------

// ---------- CLASSES ----------
// classes start with the name class

class Animal

// private variables are only available to methods in the class
    int height;
    int weight;
    string name;

    // A static variable shares the same value with every object in the class
    static int numOfAnimals;

// Public variables can be accessed by anything with access to the object
    int getHeight(){return height;}
    int getWeight(){return weight;}
    string getName(){return name;}
    void setHeight(int cm){ height = cm; }
    void setWeight(int kg){ weight = kg; }
    void setName(string dogName){ name = dogName; }

    // Declared as a prototype
    void setAll(int, int, string);

    // Declare the constructor
    Animal(int, int, string);

    // Declare the deconstructor

    // An overloaded constructor called when no data is passed

    // protected members are available to members of the same class and 
    // sub classes

    // Static methods aren't attached to an object and can only access
    // static member variables
    static int getNumOfAnimals() { return numOfAnimals; }

    // This method will be overwritten in Dog
    void toString();


int Animal::numOfAnimals = 0;

// Define the protoype method setAll
void Animal::setAll(int height, int weight, string name){

    // This is used to refer to an object created of this class type
    this -> height = height;
    this -> weight = weight;
    this -> name = name;


// A constructor is called when an object is created
Animal::Animal(int height, int weight, string name) {

    this -> height = height;
    this -> weight = weight;
    this -> name = name;


// The destructor is called when an object is destroyed
Animal::~Animal() {

    cout << "Animal " << this -> name << " destroyed" << endl;


// A constructor called when no attributes are passed
Animal::Animal() {

// This method prints object info to screen and will be overwritten
void Animal::toString(){

    cout << this -> name << " is " << this -> height << " cms tall and "
        << this -> weight << " kgs in weight" << endl;


// We can inherit the variables and methods of other classes
class Dog : public Animal{

        string sound = "Woof";
        void getSound() { cout << sound << endl; }

        // Declare the constructor
        Dog(int, int, string, string);

        // Declare the default constructor and call the default superclass
        // constructor
        Dog() : Animal(){};

        // Overwrite toString
        void toString();


// Dog constructor passes the right attributes to the superclass
// constructor and then handles the attribute bark that remains
Dog::Dog(int height, int weight, string name, string bark) : 
Animal(height, weight, name){

    this -> sound = bark;


// toString method overwritten
void Dog::toString(){

    // Because the attributes were private in Animal they must be retrieved 
    // by called the get methods
    cout << this -> getName() << " is " << this -> getHeight() << 
        " cms tall and " << this -> getWeight() << " kgs in weight and says " << 
        this -> sound << endl;


// ---------- END OF CLASSES ----------

// This is where execution begins. Attributes can be sent to main
int main() {

    // cout outputs text and a carriage return with endl
    // Statements must end with a semicolon
    // Strings must be surrounded by "
    // << sends the text via standard output to the screen
    cout << "Hello Internet" << endl;

    // ---------- VARIABLES / DATA TYPES ----------
    // Variables start with a letter and can contain letters, numbers and _
    // They are case sensitive

    // A value that won't change is a constant
    // Starts with const and it should be uppercase
    const double PI = 3.1415926535;

    // chars can contain 1 character that are surrounded with ' and is one byte in size
    char myGrade = 'A';

    // bools have the value of (true/1) or (false/0)
    bool isHappy = true;

    // ints are whole numbers
    int myAge = 39;

    // floats are floating point numbers accurate to about 6 decimals
    float favNum = 3.141592;

    // doubles are floating point numbers accurate to about 15 digits
    double otherFavNum = 1.6180339887;

    // You can output a variable value like this
    cout << "Favorite Number " << favNum << endl;

    // Other types include
    // short int : At least 16 bits
    // long int : At least 32 bits
    // long long int : At least 64 bits
    // unsigned int : Same size as signed version
    // long double : Not less then double

    // You can get the number of bytes for a data type with sizeof

    cout << "Size of int " << sizeof(myAge) << endl;
    cout << "Size of char " << sizeof(myGrade) << endl;
    cout << "Size of bool " << sizeof(isHappy) << endl;
    cout << "Size of float " << sizeof(favNum) << endl;
    cout << "Size of double " << sizeof(otherFavNum) << endl;

    int largestInt = 2147483647;

    cout << "Largest int " << largestInt << endl;

    // ---------- ARITHMETIC ----------
    // The arithmetic operators are +, -, *, /, %, ++, --

    cout << "5 + 2 = " << 5+2 << endl;
    cout << "5 - 2 = " << 5-2 << endl;
    cout << "5 * 2 = " << 5*2 << endl;
    cout << "5 / 2 = " << 5/2 << endl;
    cout << "5 % 2 = " << 5%2 << endl;

    int five = 5;
    cout << "5++ = " << five++ << endl;
    cout << "++5 = " << ++five << endl;
    cout << "5-- = " << five-- << endl;
    cout << "--5 = " << --five << endl;

    // Shorthand assignment operators
    // a += b == a = a + b
    // There is also -=, *=, /=, %=

    // Order of Operation states * and / is performed before + and -

    cout << "1 + 2 - 3 * 2 = " << 1 + 2 - 3 * 2 << endl;
    cout << "(1 + 2 - 3) * 2 = " << (1 + 2 - 3) * 2 << endl;

    // ---------- CASTING ----------
    // You convert from one data type to another by casting
    // char, int, float, double

    cout << "4 / 5 = " << 4 / 5 << endl;
    cout << "4 / 5 = " << (float) 4 / 5 << endl;

    // ---------- IF STATEMENT ----------
    // Executes different code depending upon a condition

    // Comparison operators include ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=
    // Will return true (1) if the comparison is true, or false (0)

    // Logical operators include &&, ||, !
    // Used to test 2 or more conditionals

    int age = 70;
    int ageAtLastExam = 16;
    bool isNotIntoxicated = true;

    if((age >= 1) && (age < 16)){
        cout << "You can't drive" << endl;
    } else if(!isNotIntoxicated){
        cout << "You can't drive" << endl;
    } else if(age >= 80 && ((age > 100) || ((age - ageAtLastExam) > 5))){
        cout << "You can't drive" << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "You can drive" << endl;

    // ---------- SWITCH STATEMENT ----------
    // switch is used when you have a limited number of possible options

    int greetingOption = 2;


    case 1 :
        cout << "bonjour" << endl;

    case 2 :
        cout << "Hola" << endl;

    case 3 :
        cout << "Hallo" << endl;

    default :
        cout << "Hello" << endl;

    // ---------- TERNARY OPERATOR ----------
    // Performs an assignment based on a condition
    // variable = (condition) ? if true : if false

    int largestNum = (5 > 2) ? 5 : 2;

    cout << "The biggest number is " << largestNum << endl;

    // ---------- ARRAYS ----------
    // Arrays store multiple values of the same type

    // You must provide a data type and the size of the array
    int myFavNums[5];

    // You can declare and add values in one step
    int badNums[5] = {4, 13, 14, 24, 34};

    // The first item in the array has the label (index) of 0
    cout << "Bad Number 1: " << badNums[0] << endl;

    // You can create multidimensional arrays
    char myName[5][5] = {{'D','e','r','e','k'},{'B','a','n','a','s'}};

    cout << "2nd Letter in 2nd Array: " << myName[1][1] << endl;

    // You can change a value in an array using its index
    myName[0][2] = 'e';

    cout << "New Value " << myName[0][2] << endl;

    // ---------- FOR LOOP ----------
    // Continues to execute code as long as a condition is true

    for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++){

        cout << i << endl;


    // You can also cycle through an array by nesting for loops
    for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++){

        for(int k = 0; k < 5; k++){
            cout << myName[j][k];

        cout << endl;


    // ---------- WHILE LOOP ----------
    // Use a while loop when you don't know ahead of time when a loop will end

    // Generate a random number between 1 and 100
    int randNum = (rand() % 100) + 1;

    while(randNum != 100){

        cout << randNum << ", ";

        // Used to get you out of the loop
        randNum = (rand() % 100) + 1;


    cout << endl;

    // You can do the same as the for loop like this
    // Create an index to iterate out side the while loop
    int index = 1;

    while(index <= 10){

        cout << index << endl;

        // Increment inside the loop


    // ---------- DO WHILE LOOP ----------
    // Used when you want to execute what is in the loop at least once

    // Used to store a series of characters
    string numberGuessed;
    int intNumberGuessed = 0;

    do {
        cout << "Guess between 1 and 10: ";

        // Allows for user input
        // Pass the source and destination of the input
        getline (cin,numberGuessed);

        // stoi converts the string into an integer
        intNumberGuessed = stoi(numberGuessed);
        cout << intNumberGuessed << endl;

        // We'll continue looping until the number entered is 4
    } while (intNumberGuessed != 4);

      cout << "You Win" << endl;

    // ---------- STRINGS ----------
    // The string library class provides a string object
    // You must always surround strings with "
    // Unlike the char arrays in c, the string object automatically resizes

    // The C way of making a string
    char happyArray[6] = {'H', 'a', 'p', 'p', 'y', '\0'};

    // The C++ way
    string birthdayString = " Birthday";

    // You can combine / concatenate strings with +
    cout << happyArray + birthdayString << endl;

    string yourName;
    cout << "What is your name? ";
    getline (cin,yourName);

    cout << "Hello " << yourName << endl;

    double eulersConstant = .57721;
    string eulerGuess;
    double eulerGuessDouble;
    cout << "What is Euler's Constant? ";
    getline (cin,eulerGuess);

    // Converts a string into a double
    // stof() for floats
    eulerGuessDouble = stod(eulerGuess);

    if(eulerGuessDouble == eulersConstant){

        cout << "You are right" << endl;

    } else {

        cout << "You are wrong" << endl;


    // Size returns the number of characters
    cout << "Size of string " << eulerGuess.size() << endl;

    // empty tells you if string is empty or not
    cout << "Is string empty " << eulerGuess.empty() << endl;

    // append adds strings together
    cout << eulerGuess.append(" was your guess") << endl;

    string dogString = "dog";
    string catString = "cat";

    // Compare returns a 0 for a match, 1 if less than, -1 if greater then
    cout << dogString.compare(catString) << endl;
    cout << dogString.compare(dogString) << endl;
    cout << catString.compare(dogString) << endl;

    // assign copies a value to another string 
    string wholeName = yourName.assign(yourName);
    cout << wholeName << endl;

    // You can get a substring as well by defining the starting index and the
    // number of characters to copy
    string firstName = wholeName.assign(wholeName, 0, 5);
    cout << firstName << endl;

    // find returns the index for the string your searching for starting
    // from the index defined
    int lastNameIndex = yourName.find("Banas", 0);
    cout << "Index for last name " << lastNameIndex << endl;

    // insert places a string in the index defined
    yourName.insert(5, " Justin");
    cout << yourName << endl;

    // erase will delete 6 characters starting at index 7
    cout << yourName << endl;

    // replace 5 characters starting at index 6 with the string Maximus
    cout << yourName << endl;

    // ---------- VECTORS ----------
    // Vectors are like arrays, but their size can change

    vector <int> lotteryNumVect(10);

    int lotteryNumArray[5] = {4, 13, 14, 24, 34};

    // Add the array to the vector starting at the beginning of the vector
    lotteryNumVect.insert(lotteryNumVect.begin(), lotteryNumArray, lotteryNumArray+3);

    // Insert a value into the 5th index
    lotteryNumVect.insert(lotteryNumVect.begin()+5, 44);

    // at gets the value in the specified index
    cout << "Value in 5 " << lotteryNumVect.at(5) << endl;

    // push_back adds a value at the end of a vector

    // back gets the value in the final index
    cout << "Final Value " << lotteryNumVect.back() << endl;

    // pop_back removes the final element

    // front returns the first element
    cout << "First Element " << lotteryNumVect.front() << endl;

    // back returns the last element
    cout << "Last Element " << lotteryNumVect.back() << endl;

    // empty tells you if the vector is empty
    cout << "Vector Empty " << lotteryNumVect.empty() << endl;

    // size returns the total number of elements
    cout << "Number of Vector Elements " << lotteryNumVect.size() << endl;

    // ---------- FUNCTIONS ----------
    // Functions allow you to reuse and better organize your code

    cout << addNumbers(1) << endl;

    // You can't access values created in functions (Out of Scope)
    // cout << combinedValue << endl;

    cout << addNumbers(1, 5, 6) << endl;

    cout << "The factorial of 3 is " << getFactorial(3) << endl;

    // ---------- FILE I/O ----------
    // We can read and write to files using text or machine readable binary

    string steveQuote = "A day without sunshine is like, you know, night";

    // Create an output filestream and if the file doesn't exist create it
    ofstream writer("stevequote.txt");

    // Verify that the file stream object was created
    if(! writer){

        cout << "Error opening file" << endl;

        // Signal that an error occurred
        return -1;

    } else {

        // Write the text to the file
        writer << steveQuote << endl;

        // Close the file


    // Open a stream to append to whats there with ios::app
    // ios::binary : Treat the file as binary
    // ios::in : Open a file to read input
    // ios::trunc : Default
    // ios::out : Open a file to write output
    ofstream writer2("stevequote.txt", ios::app);

    if(! writer2){

        cout << "Error opening file" << endl;

        // Signal that an error occurred
        return -1;

    } else {

        writer2 << "\n- Steve Martin" << endl;


    char letter;

    // Read characters from a file using an input file stream
    ifstream reader("stevequote.txt");

    if(! reader){

        cout << "Error opening file" << endl;
        return -1;

    } else {

        // Read each character from the stream until end of file
        for(int i = 0; ! reader.eof(); i++){

            // Get the next letter and output it
            cout << letter;


        cout << endl;


    // ---------- EXCEPTION HANDLING ----------
    // You can be prepared for potential problems with exception handling

    int number = 0;


        if(number != 0){
            cout << 2/number << endl;
        } else throw(number);

    catch(int number){

        cout << number << " is not valid input" << endl;


    // ---------- POINTERS ----------
    // When data is stored it is stored in an appropriately sized box based
    // on its data type 

    int myAge = 39;
    char myGrade = 'A';

    cout << "Size of int " << sizeof(myAge) << endl;
    cout << "Size of char " << sizeof(myGrade) << endl;

    // You can reference the box (memory address) where data is stored with 
    // the & reference operator

    cout << "myAge is located at " << &myAge << endl;

    // A pointer can store a memory address
    // The data type must be the same as the data referenced and it is followed
    // by a *

    int* agePtr = &myAge;

    // You can access the memory address and the data 
    cout << "Address of pointer " << agePtr << endl;

    // * is the dereference or indirection operator
    cout << "Data at memory address " << *agePtr << endl;

    int badNums[5] = {4, 13, 14, 24, 34};
    int* numArrayPtr = badNums;

    // You can increment through an array using a pointer with ++ or --
    cout << "Address " << numArrayPtr << " Value " << *numArrayPtr << endl;
    cout << "Address " << numArrayPtr << " Value " << *numArrayPtr << endl;

    // An array name is just a pointer to the array
    cout << "Address " << badNums << " Value " << *badNums << endl;

    // When you pass a variable to a function you are passing the value
    // When you pass a pointer to a function you are passing a reference
    // that can be changed


    cout << "I'm " << myAge << " years old now" << endl;

    // & denotes that ageRef will be a reference to the assigned variable
    int& ageRef = myAge;

    cout << "ageRef : " << ageRef << endl;

    // It can manipulate the other variables data

    cout << "myAge : " << myAge << endl;

    // You can pass the reference to a function

    cout << "myAge : " << myAge << endl;

    // When deciding on whether to use pointers or references
    // Use Pointers if you don't want to initialize at declaration, or if
    // you need to assign another variable
    // otherwise use a reference

    // ---------- CLASSES & OBJECTS ----------
    // Classes are the blueprints for modeling real world objects
    // Real world objects have attributes, classes have members / variables
    // Real world objects have abilities, classes have methods / functions
    // Classes believe in hiding data (encapsulation) from outside code

    // Declare a Animal type object
    Animal fred;

    // Set the values for the Animal

    // Get the values for the Animal
    cout << fred.getName() << " is " << fred.getHeight() << " cms tall and "
        << fred.getWeight() << " kgs in weight" << endl;

    fred.setAll(34, 12, "Fred");

    cout << fred.getName() << " is " << fred.getHeight() << " cms tall and "
        << fred.getWeight() << " kgs in weight" << endl;

    // Creating an object using the constructor
    Animal tom(36, 15, "Tom");

    cout << tom.getName() << " is " << tom.getHeight() << " cms tall and "
        << tom.getWeight() << " kgs in weight" << endl;

    // Demonstrate the inheriting class Dog
    Dog spot(38, 16, "Spot", "Woof");

    // static methods are called by using the class name and the scope operator
    cout << "Number of Animals " << Animal::getNumOfAnimals() << endl;


    // Test the toString method that will be overwritten

    // We can call the superclass version of a method with the class name 
    // and the scope operator

    // When a function finishes it must return an integer value
    // Zero means that the function ended with success
    return 0;

Part 2

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Virtual Methods and Polymorphism
// Polymorpism allows you to treat subclasses as their superclass and yet
// call the correct overwritten methods in the subclass automatically

class Animal{
        void getFamily() { cout << "We are Animals" << endl; }

        // When we define a method as virtual we know that Animal
        // will be a base class that may have this method overwritten
        virtual void getClass() { cout << "I'm an Animal" << endl; }

class Dog : public Animal{
        void getClass() { cout << "I'm a Dog" << endl; }


class GermanShepard : public Dog{
        void getClass() { cout << "I'm a German Shepard" << endl; }
        void getDerived() { cout << "I'm an Animal and Dog" << endl; }


void whatClassAreYou(Animal *animal){ 
    animal -> getClass(); 

int main(){

    Animal *animal = new Animal;
    Dog *dog = new Dog;

    // If a method is marked virtual or not doesn't matter if we call the method
    // directly from the object

    // If getClass is not marked as virtual outside functions won't look for 
    // overwritten methods in subclasses however

    Dog spot;
    GermanShepard max;

    // A base class can call derived class methods as long as they exist 
    // in the base class
    Animal* ptrDog = &spot;
    Animal* ptrGShepard = &max;

    // Call the method not overwritten in the super class Animal
    ptrDog -> getFamily();

    // Since getClass was overwritten in Dog call the Dog version
    ptrDog -> getClass();

    // Call to the super class
    ptrGShepard -> getFamily();

    // Call to the overwritten GermanShepard version
    ptrGShepard -> getClass();

    return 0;

Part 3

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Polymorpism allows you to treat subclasses as their superclass and yet
// call the correct overwritten methods in the subclass automatically

class Animal{
        virtual void makeSound(){ cout << "The Animal says grrrr" << endl; }

        // The Animal class could be a capability class that exists
        // only to be derived from by containing only virtual methods
        // that do nothing


class Cat : public Animal{
        void makeSound(){ cout << "The Cat says meow" << endl; }


class Dog : public Animal{
        void makeSound(){ cout << "The Dog says woof" << endl; }


// An abstract data type is a class that acts as the base to other classes
// They stand out because its methods are initialized with zero
// A pure virtual method must be overwritten by subclasses

class Car{
    public : 
        virtual int getNumWheels() = 0;
        virtual int getNumDoors() = 0;

class StationWagon : public Car{
    public :
        int getNumWheels() { cout << "Station Wagon has 4 Wheels" << endl; }
        int getNumDoors() { cout << "Station Wagon has 4 Doors" << endl; }
        StationWagon() { }


int main(){

    Animal* pCat = new Cat;
    Animal* pDog = new Dog;

    pCat -> makeSound();
    pDog -> makeSound();

    // Create a StationWagon using the abstract data type Car
    Car* stationWagon = new StationWagon();

    stationWagon -> getNumWheels();

    return 0;