C++ Tutorials

Derek Banas


Learn C++ in one video:



C++ Tutorial 1

Introduction, preprocessor directives, main, cout, if, terminal arguments, for, data types, variables, constants, printf, strings, getline, cin, conversions, and much more.


C++ Tutorial 2


Conditional operators, logical operators, if, else, arrays, vectors, converting strings into vectors, string stream, while loops, for loops and more.

C++ Tutorial 3


Functions, Pointers, Local Variables, how to create a range function...

C++ Tutorial 4


While, Break, Continue, Exception Handling, Do While, Random Numbers...

C++ Tutorial 5


Strings, numerous common Math functions...

C++ Tutorial 6


Vectors into strings and vice versa. Then we’ll trim whitespace, find all substring matches and then replace them.

C++ Tutorial 7


Caesar Cipher, Solve Equations for X, Create Lists of Primes and Generate a List of Random Values in a Range.

C++ Tutorial 8


BubbleSort, Recursion, Factorials, Fibonacci Numbers, Overloaded Functions...

C++ Tutorial 9


Sort, Filter, Sum, Edit and Generate Lists based on conditions. We’ll also perform operations on multiple lists, create Recursive Lambda Functions and cover the Ternary Operator.

C++ Tutorial 10


Object Oriented Programming.

C++ Tutorial 11


Polymorphism, Structs, Friend Classes, Abstract Classes, Override, Final, Virtual and much more.

C++ Tutorial 12


Operator Overloading, File I/O and will present you with another problem to solve. Learn to use unary and Binary operators. Overload ++, print customer strings, +, [], ==, <, >, and =. Write and read from files.

C++ Tutorial 13 : Advanced Functions


How to store functions as variables, pass functions into other functions, store functions in a vector and more...

C++ Tutorial 14 : Templates & Iterators


How to include outside files, Preprocessor Directives, Macro Constants, Macro Functions, Template Functions, Template Classes, and Iterators.

C++ Tutorial 15 : Smart Pointers & Polymorphic Templates


Allocating memory with malloc(), Smart Pointers, Regular Pointers, Deallocating Memory, unique_ptr, Difference Between /n and endl, Polymorphic Templates and a whole bunch more...

C++ Tutorial 16 : Threads


How to create, pause, and pool threads. Compare how long it takes to generate a list of prime numbers with and without threads. Check out many ways of working with time.

C++ Tutorial 17 : Threads


Sequence Containers which contain data that is stored in order. Vectors and Deques, Lists and Forward Lists ...

C++ Tutorial 18 : Threads


Associative Containers, Set, Multiset, Map, and Multimap. Container Adapters : Stacks, Queues, and Priority Queues. And, finally enums....

C++ Tutorial 19 : Regex


Covering Regular Expressions. There are tons of examples and a problem. How to search and then cycle through matches. Cycling through matches with an iterator. Create numerous regular expressions to get just that exact data and output or replace it.

C++ Tutorial 20 : Regex 2


More ways to match what you are trying to grab. Greedy vs. Lazy matching, Boundaries, and grabbing multiple subexpressions.

C++ Tutorial 21 : Regex 3


Back References, Substitutions, Look Ahead, Or Conditionals...

Qt Tutorials

Derek Banas

Qt C++ Tutorial 1: Notepad


A working Notepad app. Install Qt for Windows and MacOS. Then we’ll cover Qt Basics, Dialogs, Widgets, Drag and Drop Interfaces, Creating / Opening / Saving Files, Menus, Toolbars, Icons, Printing, and much more...

Qt C++ Tutorial 2: Calculator


The most requested next C++ app was a calculator. A C++ GUI Calculator app in one video. How to setup event handling with Signals and Slots. Work with widgets in many ways, setting up an interface, stylesheets, casting, regular expressions and much more...

Qt C++ Tutorial 3: Qt Charts


Covers how to make numerous charts. Two types of Bar Charts along with Pie and Line. Numerous attributes associated with Qt charts.

Qt C++ Tutorial 4: Qt Paint App


The most requested next C++ app was a calculator. A C++ GUI Calculator app in one video. How to setup event handling with Signals and Slots. Work with widgets in many ways, setting up an interface, stylesheets, casting, regular expressions and much more...

Qt C++ Tutorial 5: Finish Paint App


Finish the Qt Paint app started in this video. So many topics are covered. Make menu bars, numerous dialog boxes, interact in numerous ways, allow for drawing, changing colors, changing line widths, printing, saving and opening new files.

C Tutorials

Derek Banas

C Video Tutorial 1

Comments, #include, #define, Global Variables, main(), char, int, long int, float, double, printf(), Escape Sequences, %d, %ld, %f, %c, %s, Character Arrays (Strings), strcpy, scanf(), Math Functions, Order of Operations, Math Shortcuts, Casting and more...

C Video Tutorial 2

Compiling Options, Relational Operators, Logical operators, If, Else, Else If, Conditional Operator, Sizeof(), Bytes, Bits, While, Do While, For, Break, Continue and more...

C Video Tutorial 3

exit(), switch, Arrays, Array Indexes, Problems with scanf(), Memory Overflow, strcpy(), fgets(), Array Interation, strcmp(), strcat(), strlen(), strlcpy(), Global Variables, Local Variables, Functions, and more...

C Video Tutorial 4

Pointers in c.

What pointers are. What is the difference between * and &. How to use pointers and arrays. How to create an array of strings. How to change the value of variables inside of functions and how to manipulate char arrays in functions.

C Video Tutorial 5

How to create and use a struct in C. Structs are used when you need more then one piece of data to describe one thing. You can’t use an array because an array only holds data with the same data type

How to : Create a Struct, Get data from a Struct, Initialize a Struct, Pass a Struct to a Function, Use Typedef, Change a Value in a Struct, Use a Struct in a Function, ->, *(structName) and how a Struct is stored in memory. The code follows the video below.

C Video Tutorial 6

Unions, Enumerated Types, the Designated Initializer, Using unions in Structs, Recursive Structures, Linked Lists and much more.

C Video Tutorial 7

strchr(), strrchr(), tolower(), toupper(), ctype.h Functions, _Bool, bool, Numerous Ways to Except Input, getchar(), putchar(), Buffering, gets(), puts(), fgets(), fputs(), How to Eliminate Newline, How to Make a String Lowercase, strcmp() and more.

C Video Tutorial 8

C Malloc Tutorial.

C Video Tutorial 9

Linked list structure or linked list struct tutorial. Create an unlimited number of structs using malloc.

C Video Tutorial 10

Linked List. How to delete structs and remove them not only from the Linked List, but also from memory.

C Video Tutorial 11

C File IO. FILE Data type, fopen(), fputs(), fseek(), ftell(), fgets(), fclose(), fscanf(), puts(), fprintf(), Different Ways to Access Files, and more.

C Video Tutorial 12

How to save and retrieve strings, How to save array data and grab it out of the file randomly. Error handling in C.

C Video Tutorial 13

Convert base 10 numbers into binary (Base 2), octal (Base 8) and hexadecimal (Base 16) numbers.

C Video Tutorial 14

Convert from base 10 to base 2, base 8 and base 16 with C - explanation.

C Video Tutorial 15

Pass locations in memory between functions. Bitwise Operators AND, OR, Exclusive OR, and Shift Operators. How signed numbers work and how the Ones Complement Operator can help. Bit Masking and Binary Fractions.


Matt Mahoney: How to Program in C++

TechTarget: C, C# and C++ Cheat Sheets

Rankred: Useful C cheat sheets

Hackerearth: STL

Anthony Calandra: C++17/14/11

gibsjose: C++ Syntax Cheat Sheet



Cpp from 2015-05-31 03:02:29.908

http://runnable.com/UpPyJupVxuNGAAAq/simple-options-menu-using-do-while-loop-for-c%2B%2B | Simple Options Menu Using do-while loop for C++ Code Example - Runnable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16852978/c-newbie-navigating-console-menu | C++ newbie. Navigating console menu - Stack Overflow http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~beechung/ref/gcc-intro.html | Gcc tutorial http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/66974/simple-takeout-menu | c++ - Simple TakeOut Menu - Code Review Stack Exchange http://www.tenouk.com/cpluscodesnippet/cplusdowhilemenulist.html | Listing a simple menu selection using the do-while loop in C++ programming http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15079057/arrays-vs-vectors-introductory-similarities-and-differences | c++ - Arrays vs Vectors: Introductory Similarities and Differences - Stack Overflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4424579/stdvector-versus-stdarray-in-c/4424658#4424658 | std::vector versus std::array in C++ - Stack Overflow http://www.devx.com/cplus/Article/42114 | std::array: The Secure, Convenient Option for Fixed-Sized Sequences http://www.devx.com/cplus/Article/42114/0/page/3 | std::array: The Secure, Convenient Option for Fixed-Sized Sequences : Page 3 http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector | std::vector - cppreference.com http://gribblelab.org/CBootcamp/7_Memory_Stack_vs_Heap.html | 7. Memory : Stack vs Heap https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2D1942A4688E9D63 | C++ Qt Programming - YouTube